10 Of The Deadliest Animals To Humans (P3)

#2 Humans

Typically, I prefer not to include humans in these videos since the focus is on wildlife and the natural world. However, this video is about animals deadly to humans, and humans are indeed a threat to each other. Various reasons and methods lead to human-inflicted deaths worldwide. These include war, crime, and accidental killings. Some countries, like Iceland, New Zealand, and Ireland, are relatively safer, while others, such as Jamaica, Honduras, and South Africa, have higher murder rates. India, for instance, has dangerous roads. Humans not only impact animals and the environment but also excel at harming each other. Human activities account for at least 475,000 human deaths annually, ranking humans at number two on this list.

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#1 The Mosquito

The final creature on this list needs no introduction. It’s the mosquito. With about 3,600 species, many of which are parasitic, mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water, where their larvae develop. Once airborne, they feed on mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, spreading diseases to all these creatures. Some of the most severe parasitic diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, and Zika virus. Mosquitoes cause more human deaths due to disease transmission than any other animal. They are believed to be responsible for at least a million human deaths annually, solidifying their place at the number one spot on this list. Truly, they are the deadliest animals to humans.

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