Amazing animal facts (P2)

Ostrich egg

A ostrich egg is about the equivalent of 24 hen eggs.
A ostrich egg is about the equivalent of 24 hen eggs.

A hen egg averages 60g (2.11 ounces) and an ostrich egg, 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds). Ostriches are the largest living birds. It takes about 40 minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.



Lions are the only cats to live in groups (prides). The males are very protective of there pride and will guard a vast territory of about 100 square miles (260 square kilometers). The male lion is the only cat to have a mane. Lions live an average of 20 years and a male lion weighs in at around 217 kg. Female lions are the pride’s main hunters, hunting in groups. They sneak up to the victim until they are close enough make a dash to catch it. Lionesses can reach short burst of speed of up to 60 km/h (38 mph).



The Kipspringer (Afrikaans word meaning Rock Jumper), has well adapted hooves which allow it to jump from rock to rock without losing its footing.

It marks its territory by depositing dung heaps and by rubbing the secretion from glands near its eyes onto vegetation.

Researchers have found an interesting relationship between the Klipspringer and the Red Rock Rabbit. A tick (Rhipicephalus arnoldi) that uses the rock rabbit as a host, finishes its lifecycle on the Klipspringer. The tick is attracted to vegetation marked by the klipspringer’s facial glands and when the antelope returns to marks its territory, the tick climbs onto it.

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