Amazing animal facts (P4)

African Elephant

African Elephant
An elephant molar tooth is about 30cm (12″) long and 10cm (4″) wide.

Did you know an elephant’s trunk has around 15,000 muscles and can hold up to 8 litres (52 gallons) of water?

 Depending on their diet, up to 200 litres of water is drunk per day. They will eat in the region of 100 to 200 Kg (220 to 440 lb.) of vegetation per day.

An elephant molar tooth is about 30cm (12″) long and 10cm (4″) wide.

An elephant molar tooth is about 30cm (12″) long and 10cm (4″) wide.

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Eland are agile and can jump over a 1.5 m fence

Despite this large size and weight, Eland are agile and can jump over a 1.5 m fence.

 The common eland stands around two metres at the shoulder and weighs an average of 650 kilograms (1400 pounds) double that of kudu. Eland are by far the largest of the antelope found in southern Africa.

Natural enemies include lions and African hunting dogs.
The eland is the most predominant animal in the rock art of East Africa.

The name “eland” is derived from the Dutch word for moose and has its origins from the early Dutch settlers coming to southern Africa.



The Aardwolf’s diet is almost entirely insects.

They eat termites, especially harvester termites, and other insects.Its teeth are ill adapted for tougher foods such as meat.

The Aardwolf is a nocturnal animal that is rarely seen. It is about the size of a small jackal that resembles a hyena in shape.One might be fortunate to see one on a night game drive.

The name “Aardwolf” originated from the Afrikaans language. Translated into English, it means “Earth Wolf.”

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