Awesome Animal Short Facts

Squirrel’s teeth never stop growing, but the animals wear them down by gnawing on nuts and other hard foods. The front of the rodent’s teeth is actually orange. It’s because they’re covered in special tough enamel. Bet you’re glad you don’t have that to deal with.

Some bird species don’t mind munching on chili peppers. That’s because they can’t feel the heat. Peppers burn your mouth because they contain a special chemical, capsaicin, but birds don’t have the taste buds needed to feel its effects.

The rhino horn is made of hair or at least the same protein that makes up your hair and nails. This protein is called keratin. Such a horn is kind of unique since other animals have horns with a bony center.

The woodpecker can peck the wood 20 times per second. This pace is almost too high for the human eye to notice. How much wood would a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood? The number of pecks often reaches a total of 8000 to 12000 a day.

A starfish does have eyes, one on the end of each of its arms. These eyes are light-sensitive groups of cells.

Frogs don’t need to drink water; instead, they have an area known as the drinking patch. It’s on their bellies and thighs; they use it to absorb water directly through the skin.

Most caterpillar species have around 4,000 muscles in their body, and almost 250 of them are in the head alone. Christmas tree worms are much more beautiful than you can imagine, but even though the pines look awesome, two-thirds of the worm’s body is hidden in a calcium carbonate tube

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